![Titelseite Titelseite](http://www.hendrik.maekeler.eu/uppsala-titel.jpg)
The publication of the medieval German coins in the Uppsala University Coin Cabinet was initiated by Professor Peter Berghaus (Münster), whose card index of the German coins from the Viking Ages has been computerized and enhanced by the later medieval specimens. Additionally, digital images of all the coins were taken. The book was layouted by Computus Druck Service.
![Textseite Textseite](http://www.hendrik.maekeler.eu/uppsala-text.jpg)
Book presentation (in German)
Table of contents
![Tafelseite Tafelseite](http://www.hendrik.maekeler.eu/uppsala-abbildungen.jpg)
Peter Berghaus and Hendrik Mäkeler: Münzkabinett der Universität Uppsala. Deutsche Münzen der Wikingerzeit sowie des hohen und späten Mittelalters (Studia Numismatica Upsaliensia 2), Uppsala 2006.
viii, 168 pp. including 75 plates with 668 items illustrated.
ISBN 91-554-6603-6
ISSN 1652-7232